
Creative Projects

Misc. Blender Projects

Sometimes I just want to spend my time doing 3D art and don't have a particular purpose in mind. I almost always choose to animate or 3D print those projects, so the end results will be here.

Lights flash over a body of water

WIP Folder

Every digital artist I have met has a folder on their computer with a lot of unfinished projects. I certainly have that folder, although a lot of the time I leave projects there because I don't have an endpoint in mind. So I will throw these projects in this page so that they can see the light of day.

Spaceship Model

S410 Experiment 2

Using RunwayML Lab I trained a StyleGAN on ~700 of saved digital art images from my Instagram

GAN Training Gif

The Gravity of Anti-Depressants

A variety of physics and animation simulations using my experiences on Anti-Depressants as inspiration.

Fake Lexapro Prescription Label

S310 Hypermedia Mirrors

I used the ML5.js library to create a style transfer application based on Fast Style Transfer by Reiichiro Nakano.

Style Transfer Example


My introduction to Blender! I followed along with Blender Guru's Blender Tutorial (link here). This was the final product and it's what got me started in Blender!
